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Upload theme

Guiding get the file upload

After buying our theme, please extract download package which downloaded from

1. Install Umino to your store

Step 1: From your admin, click to Online store ==> Themes ==> Add theme ==> Upload zip file

Step 2: Click to Add file

Step 3: Select theme zip file and click to Upload file

You should watch this tutorial video for more:Video install

Coppy file settings data

Once you have installed the theme You can copy our default data config file file name "settings_data.json"

Step 1

Go to the themes folder and select the newly installed theme then go to edit code

After the edit code window opens Find config => settings_data.json Open file "settings_data.json"

in the home page folder we sent you attached the file "settings_data.json" You can open it with notepad and copy the entire code into the file "settings_data.json" above your code edit window then save them

Last updated