Create Required Metafields


  1. Login to your Shopify store, click to Settings

  2. Click to Custom data and select Products

  3. Add 3 metafields as follow:

- Additional Information

- Short Description

- Countdown Timer

- Frequently Bought Together

- Your message and add file image

1. Short Description

  • Name: Short Description

  • Content type: Multi-line text

  • Namespace and key: custom.short_description

2. Timer Countdown

  • Name: Timer Countdown

  • Content type: Date and time - One value

  • Namespace and key: custom.time_countdown

3. Additional Information

  • Name: Additional Information

  • Content type: Multi-line text

  • Namespace and key: custom.additional_information

4. Frequently Bought Together

  • Name: bought together

  • Content type: Product - List of products

  • Namespace and key: custom.bought_together

After you create "Metafields" You go to products and add products purchased together

See demo link

5. Your message and add file image

  • Name: Use message

  • Content type: True or false

  • Namespace and key: custom.use_message

  • Name: Use file

  • Content type: True or false

  • Namespace and key: custom.use_file

After creating "Metafields" which product do you want to use? You can go to that product and turn them on

See results and demo link

Last updated