Create Required Metafields


  1. Login to your Shopify store, click to Settings

  2. Click to Custom data and select Products

  3. Add 3 metafields as follow:

- Additional Information

- Short Description

- Countdown Timer

- Frequently Bought Together

- Your message and add file image

- External links

1. Short Description

  • Name: Short Description

  • Content type: Multi-line text

  • Namespace and key: custom.short_description

2. Timer Countdown

  • Name: Timer Countdown

  • Content type: Date and time - One value

  • Namespace and key: custom.time_countdown

3. Additional Information

  • Name: Additional Information

  • Content type: Multi-line text

  • Namespace and key: custom.additional_information

4. Frequently Bought Together

  • Name: bought together

  • Content type: Product - List of products

  • Namespace and key: custom.bought_together

After you create "Metafields" You go to products and add products purchased together

See demo link

5. Your message and add file image

  • Name: Use message

  • Content type: True or false

  • Namespace and key: custom.use_message

  • Name: Use file and

  • Content type: True or false

  • Namespace and key: custom.use_file

After creating "Metafields" which product do you want to use? You can go to that product and turn them on

See results and demo link

  • Name: External Affiliate

  • Content type: Url

  • Namespace and key: custom.external_affiliate

After you create metafields product You can go to your product and add an external link

Then you can go here and rename your link button

See results and demo link

Last updated